Fogyókúrákról |
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90 napos |
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ABO-vércsoportdiéta |
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Atkins |
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Diéták |
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Egyéb módszerek |
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Gyors fogyás |
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GI diéta |
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Makrobiotikus étkezés |
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South Beach diéta |
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Táplálékaink |
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Testkontroll |
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Weight Watchers |
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Zóna diéta |
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Táblázat(angol) |
Non-Starchy & Green Vegetables |
Lettuce |
Cucumbers |
Greens (Kale, etc) |
Okra |
Celery |
Sweet Peppers |
Summer Squash |
Kohlrabi |
Celery Cabbage |
Cauliflower |
Eggplant |
Green Corn |
Cabbage |
Broccoli |
Turnips |
Green Beans |
Brussel Sprouts |
Protein |
Combine as Starch |
Eat non-starchy & green vegetables with either protein or starch
Do not combine protein & starch
Do not combine vegetables, proteins or starches with fruits Except: nuts with citrus (fair combination) lettuce & celery with fruit (good combination)
Avocados: best with salad (fair with sub-acid fruit or starch) | |
Starch |
Mildly Starchy |
Nuts |
Beans |
Potatoes |
Carrots |
Seeds |
Peas |
Sweet Potatoes |
Beets |
Olives |
Lentils |
Yams |
Rutabaga |
Cheese |
Peanuts |
Mature Corn |
Winter Squash |
Eggs |
Coconuts |
Jerusalem Artichokes. |
Pumpkin |
Flesh Foods |
Chestnuts |
Parsnips |
Edible Pod Peas |
Wild Rice |
Salsify |
Globe Artichokes. |
All Grains |
Water Chestnuts |
Sprouted Grains |
Acid Fruits |
Eat sub-acid fruits with either acid or sweet fruits
Do not combine acid fruits & sweet fruits
Tomatoes: Use with green & non-starchy vegetables & protein
Melons: Eat alone
Sweet Fruits |
Citrus |
Bananas |
Pineapples |
Persimmons |
Strawberries |
Thompson Grapes |
Pomegranates |
Muscat Grapes |
Sour Apples |
All Sweet Grapes |
Sour Grapes |
All Dried Fruits |
Sour Peaches |
Sour Plums |
Sour Cherries |
Sub-Acid Fruits |
Sweet Apples |
Sub-acid Grapes |
Apricots |
Blueberries |
Sweet Peaches |
Pears |
Sweet Plums |
Raspberries |
Sweet Cherries |
Papayas |
Cherimoyas |
Blackberries |
Mangos |
Fresh Figs |
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Aerobik |
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Alakformálás |
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Szépség |
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Egészséges receptek |
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Torna otthon |
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Fogyókúrás receptek |
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Makrobiotikus receptek |
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Vélemény: |
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Étkezési zavarok |
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